We attended the Wake Forrest session on July 21st-25th. I just wanted to take a moment and let you guys know how great your camp is. The amount of ice time, quality instruction and enthusiasm from you and the other coaches is unparalleled. Ryan has been to other summer camps and nothing has even come close to what you guys provide. We also have an older daughter who plays field hockey and has attended numerous college camps over the years. I have never been so impressed with the structure and high level of teaching as what I witnessed here. There was so much individual attention paid to each and every skater. If they didn’t get it on the way across the ice, someone explained again how to do it correctly and if they still didn’t get it they were pulled off to the side for more one on one guidance. Ryan thoroughly enjoyed the high pace lessons and excitement that you guys all showed throughout the entire camp as he himself is full of energy. He learned so much and it was well worth the out of town trip for him to experience what you have to offer. People are often quick to complain when there’s a problem but slow to compliment on a job well done. Well to all of you, job well done!!! We look forward to attending more of your camps in the future. Thanks again!